Carroll County
-Title 5: Public Works, Chapter 50: Solid Waste, Licensing of Collectors, § 50.05 Prohibited Actions at Solid Waste Acceptance Facilities
-Title 9: General Regulations, Chapter 94: Parks and Recreation, Recreational Activities, § 94.053 Hunting and Firearms
-Title 11: Business Regulations, Chapter 112: Pawnbrokers and Secondhand Dealers, § 112.05 Record Keeping Requirements
-Part II, General Legislation, Chapter 65 Firearms and Explosives
-Part II: General Legislation, Chapter 88 Firearms and Hunting
-Part II: General Legislation, Chapter 130 Parks and Recreation Areas, § 130-1 Certain actions and conduct prohibited. (A.)(16)
Mount Airy
-Part II, General Legislation, Chapter 58 Firearms and Similar Devices
New Windsor
-Part II, General Legislation, Chapter 88 Firearms and Other Weapons
-Part II, General Legislation, Chapter 84 Firearms and Explosives
-Part II: General Legislation, Chapter 112 Firearms
Union Bridge
-Chapter 130 Nuisances, 3. Illegal Conduct, A. Prohibited Activities (3.) and (4.) (pp 21-22)
-Part I, Administrative Legislation, Chapter 10 Civil Emergencies, § 10-3 Authorized prohibitions and restrictions. (A)
-Part II, General Legislation, Chapter 106 Peace and Good Order, Article IV Weapons
-Part II, General Legislation, Chapter 109 Picketing and Parades, Article II Parades and Demonstrations, § 109-51.1 Restrictions on actions.