Find the original letter HERE
April 2, 2020
To the Honorable Governor of Maryland,
My fellow legislators and I wish to thank you for your outstanding leadership during this unprecedented state of emergency. Marylanders are looking to you for guidance in this challenging time. Further guidance we think is needed, when assuring the safety of Maryland’s already vulnerable populations.
The ability of gun stores to remain open during this pandemic is worrisome for many Marylanders. Less than two weeks ago, a long line extended outside and around the corner of a gun store in Silver Spring. It is alarming to see Marylanders stockpiling weapons in such a state of emergency. Maryland has seen a surge in the purchase of guns and ammunition during this time of crisis.
Guns are not essential to solving this pandemic, nor will they make people safer. At this time, guns are only hurting vulnerable populations- victims of domestic violence and individuals already prone to suicide are most at risk. Marylanders are home, tensions are high, every Marylander is eager to save lives; however, gun stores remain open creating fear for our most vulnerable citizens.
Pursuant to Public Safety Article 14-303, you have the ability to close these stores. Should you choose not to close gun stores, in light of the recent directive from the federal Department of Homeland Security, we ask that you join our neighboring states and require an appointment during limited business hours, for individuals who choose to purchase guns at this time.
The increased sales of guns in recent weeks is disturbing. Marylanders need to be encouraged to fight this pandemic with hygiene and social distancing rather than with guns.
Here is the list of legislators (the signatories). If they are your representatives, please tell them (civilly) how you feel about their insistence that the Governor close all the gun stores.
Click on their name for the contact information.
Delegate Vanessa Atterbeary Senator Sarah Elfreth
Delegate Heather Bagnall Senator Brian Feldman
Delegate Darryl Barnes Senator Guy Guzzone
Delegate Ben Barnes Senator Shelly Hettleman
Delegate Erek Barron Senator Susan Lee
Delegate Sandy Bartlett Senator Jim Rosapepe
Delegate Lisa Belcastro Senator Will Smith
Delegate Ben Brooks Senator Jeff Waldstriecher
Delegate Jon Cardin Senator Mary Washington
Delegate Al Carr
Delegate Lorig Charkoudian
Delegate Charlotte Crutchfield
Delegate Dereck Davis
Delegate Diana Fennell
Delegate Kathleen Dumais
Delegate Eric Ebersole
Delegate Jessica Feldmark
Delegate Wanika Fisher
Delegate Terri Hill
Delegate Michael Jackson
Delegate Anne Kaiser
Delegate Arianna Kelly
Delegate Marc Korman
Delegate Carol Krimm
Delegate Robbyn Lewis
Delegate Jazz Lewis
Delegate Karen Lewis-Young
Delegate Brooke Lierman
Delegate Lesley Lopez
Delegate Sara Love
Delegate Maggie McIntosh
Delegate David Moon
Delegate Julie Palakovich-Carr
Delegate Edith Patterson
Delegate Josephine Peña-Melnyk
Delegate Shane Pendergrass
Delegate Kirill Reznik
Delegate Sheila Ruth
Delegate Emily Shetty
Delegate Jared Solomon
Delegate Jen Terrasa
Delegate Veronica Turner
Delegate Kris Valderrama
Delegate Geraldine Valentino-Smith
Delegate Stewart Vaughn
Delegate Alonzo Washington
Delegate Courtney Watson
Delegate Jheanelle Wilkins
Delegate Nicole Williams