What you can expect in the House Judiciary Committee of the Maryland General Assembly
This tracker follows legislation and lawmakers in the Maryland General Assembly. It serves as an easily searchable gun and self-defense-related bill database for supporters of the right to keep and bear arms.
For a simpler view of bills MSI has taken a position on, please see the supplementary table below.
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Red ❌= Oppose
Green ✅= Support
Light Green ✅= Support with Amendment
Blue ℹ️= Informational Testimony Only (provides knowledge for the committee on the bill without taking a position)
Gray = Position Pending or None Taken
MSI Guide - Tips For Your Testimony in the Maryland General Assembly
To Sign-up to testify, you MUST make a MyMGA Account!
Should you talk to your lawmakers about issues that affect your right to keep and bear arms for self-defense? Absolutely!
Use these links to find the State lawmakers who represent you in the General Assembly and how to contact them.
Always be civil and speak on how a bill or bills directly affect you.
Find your representatives HERE
Committee Contacts can be found HERE
(Tutorial videos sourced from the MGA Website)
Sign-up for testimony HERE
Remote testimony is conducted via Zoom. Download it here.
All Committee Testimony Guidelines HERE
Maryland General Assembly YouTube Pages:
Main Page
Senate Judicial Proceedings
House Judiciary
Channel 1
Channel 2
Channel 3
Channel 4
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Maryland Shall Issue® (MSI) is an all-volunteer, non-partisan organization dedicated to the preservation and advancement of gun owners' rights in Maryland. It seeks to educate the community about the right of self-protection, the safe handling of firearms, and the responsibility that goes with carrying a firearm in public. MSI is recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization.
Mailing Address:
Maryland Shall Issue®, Inc.
9613 Harford Rd
Ste C #1015
Baltimore, MD 21234-2150
Phone: 410-849-9197
Web: www.marylandshallissue.org